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Amenorrhoea refers to an abnormal absence of menstruation or scanty discharge.Dysmenorrhoea is the term given to painful or difficult menstruation.


Causes And Symptoms of Amenorrhoea


Scanty discharge of menstrual blood may be due to anaemia or general health, or due to serious disease like T.B.,Bright’s disease or malaria of prolonged nature.Difficult or painful menstruation is due to irritation in the ovary and inflammation of various internal organs like the uterus,the ovaries or the fallopian tubes.Sometimes,the disorder is due to nervous causes,in which there are spasmodic pains.

In cases of scanty discharge of menstrual blood, the main cause should be diagnosed and removed.If it is due to anaemia,the treatment for anaemia is treatment of amenorrhoea.In cases where the exact cause is not known,general tonics and remedies for improving the health of the patient should administered.

If you are suffering from AMENORRHOEA AND DYSMENORRHOEA and want safe and effective herbal medicines. Please fill below form for Doctor’s online consultation.


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