According to Ayurveda, Gout is a metabolism disorder and has afflicted mankind perpetually since the dawn of recorded history. The disorder causes inflammation in joints which is due to high level of uric acid in blood. The amount of uric acid is always above the normal level among the patients suffering from the Gout, the normal proportion of the uric acid should not be more than 0.5mg/100 ml.
Gout generally runs in family and in about 50 to 80% of the cases family history is present. Sedentary people are more commonly affected by the disease and it is less common among the active people.
Ayurvedic View:
According to Ayurveda the disease is the result of vitiation of vata.
Gout attack can happen without prior warning though there can be premonitory symptoms as follows:
- Flatulence
- Uneasiness
- Irritation in urinary organs
- Numbness and coldness in the limbs
- Pain in foot
- Intolerable pain in inflamed and reddened big toe
- Attack is followed by dyspepsia, thirst, constipation and cramps in the limbs
The main cause of Gout is increased level of uric acid in the blood. There are many reasons that lead to such disorder, some of them are:
- Inadequate exercise
- Rich diet comprising beef, pork, lamb, seafood, bacon and organ meat
- Heavy consumption of alcohol and sugary drinks
- Family history
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes (both types)
- High level of fat and cholesterol
- Kidney diseases
Herbal treatment for Gout:
One of the primary and most important remedy to Gout is drinking a lot of water as it helps to flush out the excess uric acid from the body. The patient must consume 1 gallon or 3-4 liters of water per day to feel relief from Gout. Herbs like tart cherries have positive effect on the condition, you can make black current leaf herbal tea or strawberry leaf herbal tea and drink two to three cups a day to feel palliated.
If you are suffering from GOUT and want safe and effective herbal medicines, please fill below form for Doctor’s online consultation.
Disease :gout I was suffering from gout since 10 years, After taking treatment from Family Care Clinic, I got satisfactory results. Thank you very much.
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