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Honoured by Health Minister

Dark Circles

Tips for Remove Dark Circles


AGGRAVATED BY:Excessive oil secretion.

TREATMENT: Apply mask of groun fresh parsley on only area, Lie down for ten to fifteen minutes and clean it. You can apply nutritive herbal scrubber available at Family Care Clinic.


Disease: Irregular Menstruation I was suffering from the problem of irregular menstruation. I used to have more than one cycle of menstruation in one month with severe cramps, pain, nausea and fever. Life had become hell for me. Then I came to know about Family Care Clinic. I took the consultation of Doctors appointed their and took the herbs given by them In two months time I could see the difference. Now I have regular menstruation cycles, almost no cramps and no nausea or fever. I feel so much better. I am AMAZED. I am indebted to Family Care Clinic for their wonderful service and help.

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