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Obesity is a very common disorder and it can cause dangerous diseases like angina,diabetes,arthritis,high blood pressure,heart failure and gout.

Causes And Symptoms of Obesity

Obesity is often due to excessive deposition of fat in the body.It is due to consumption of food in excess of physiological needs.Sometimes obesity also occurs due to disorders of thyroid glands.Due to these hormonal disorder a person suddenly becomes obese and a victim of many diseases.High calorie diet,luxrious lifestyle,lack of exercise and alcohol are some of the common causes of obesity.

Excessive sweating,difficulting in breathing,indigestion,constipation,low body resistance and laziness are the common symptoms found in the obese people.According to AYURVEDA,obesity is caused by the impairment of the AGNI responsible for the break up of the molecules of fat.

If you are suffering from OBESITY and want safe and effective herbal medicines. Please fill below form for Doctor’s online consultation.


Disease: Obesity I was obese girl at young age of 20 , Life had become miserable for me & I had my own world obesity & was not able to enjoy life. Then I carried obesity treatment under supervision of Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj at Family Care Clinic . Result were just unbelivable & I got permanent weight reduction of 25 Kg. In a 3 month. Their was figurative reduction in me & my skin lust has also totally changed . My friends were not able to recognize me & above all after so many years also my weight has not increased. Thanks to Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj for changing my life & making it colorfull.

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