Diabetes Mellitus (MADHUMEHA)
Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in which sugar in the body are not oxidized to produce energy due to lack of pancreatic hormone – insulin. The accumulation of sugar leads to its appearance in blood and then in urine too.Diabetes that starts in childhood is usually more severe then in middle or old age.
Causes And symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus
The disease is generally hereditary and people with defective diet are more susceptible to it.
Diabetes mellitus is due to decreased secretion of insulin from the pancreas,which normally helps in the transfer of glucose from the blood to the cells,in the absence of which sugar accumulates in the blood.The onset of the disease is gradual.
Its common symptoms are – thirst, loss of weight, excess urine, A diet rich in carbohydrate,fat and syndentary lifestyle are the most common cause of diabetes
The first symptoms are reduced body strength and loss of weight.The urine output increases,sugar passed through the urine also increases trouble symptom is excessive thirst.Any injury sustained by the patient is difficult to heal.
If you are suffering from DIABETES MELLITUS and want safe and effective herbal medicines. Please fill below form for Doctor’s online consultation.
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